veículo anti-tanques posicionado para proteger o flanco de sua unidade enquanto aguarda ordens para se mover para nova posição. A maior parte do tempo é preparar e aguardar e, um bom cigarro para manter os nervos no lugar.
Modelo re-editado pela Bronco mas original da Trumpeter representa o uso de material capturado à França, readaptado e posto em ação. Sobre o casco do Tanque H-35 Hotchkiss foi montado o canhão anti-tanques PAK 40. Com mobilidade e proteção blindada para a sua guarnição esta arma cobrou pesado tributo às forças blindadas Aliadas.
anti-tank vehicle guarding a flank position and waiting for new orders. The most part of the time is "getting ready and waiting", ... and a good cigarette smoke to keep calm.
This is a Bronco reboxing kit originally from Trumpeter and represents the use of capture material from France and used by the germans as Beutepanzer. Over the Hotchkiss H-35 tank hull the anti-tank PAK 40 was assembled. With mobility and some armour protection for the crew this combination takes some heavy losses to the Allies.
anti-tank vehicle guarding a flank position and waiting for new orders. The most part of the time is "getting ready and waiting", ... and a good cigarette smoke to keep calm.
This is a Bronco reboxing kit originally from Trumpeter and represents the use of capture material from France and used by the germans as Beutepanzer. Over the Hotchkiss H-35 tank hull the anti-tank PAK 40 was assembled. With mobility and some armour protection for the crew this combination takes some heavy losses to the Allies.
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